Shout it Out |
It's that time of year in Phoenix when the short sleeves start blending into long sleeves. I dump my summer drawer and rotate up my winter drawer (grimly assessing the limited combinations and fashion levels). I usually start a run with the sleeves down, then push them up my arms as the run goes on, and by the time I'm done, I'm down to my 5" shorty-shorts and no shirt.
Hate me! |
No matter how old it gets here (sometimes it dips down into the 20's in the heart of winter), I can never complete a run with a hat on, and usually stuff the gloves into my pockets after the first few miles.
I do own one pair of long running pants, but I'm lazy about laundry, so they only get to come out every other week or so. Lest you feel the need to warn me, I do NOT wear shorts over top of the long pants. Every contour is artfully compressed and lovingly nestled, and I'm so damn fast, it's just a blur anyway. TWSS.
Wild Beast! |
As I ramp up to the Fiesta Bowl 1/2 marathon next month (it may possibly be my worst preparation yet), I will continue to try out different Phoenix winter clothing combinations. I know that each time I run this race, there is an hour or so of penguin-like propane heater
cuddling huddling, and I want to be warm but not have to shed/discard too much inventory after the race starts. I know that it goes to charity, and I like that concept a lot, but these duds are only used for two months or so each year, so I need to make them last. Besides, they look good on me!
It wasn't me! |