Monday, January 16, 2012

No Sweets January

No caption as per orders of US Secret Service
I snuck in a new year resolution to abstain completely from sweets for the month of January, and so far, have been successful. We had relatives in town last week and there were many prime opportunities to have dessert, but I used the Nancy Reagan slogan and kept to my fast. As a result of the plan, I have not been eating anything past 6:30pm, have been eating more healthful foods, and by adding on an increased running plan, I have dropped 8 pounds of my planned eventual 25.

I got a really nice email of support from a friend and fellow JMU alumni (Go Dukes!) in Colorado who has been sweets-free for a long time. He claims that it has resulted in much faster running times, more energy, and an overall healthier life. We share the same experience that moderation just doesn't work for us. It's all or nothing. People told me that there would likely be withdrawal symptoms such as headache, fatigue, irritability, etc., but I haven't really felt any of that. Kinda nice. To reiterate, I am sweets-free, not sugar free. It is pretty difficult to go sugar-free, though I am avoiding all the obvious sugary foods. I am also avoiding foods heavy in white flour and other sugar producing carbs. The idea is to eliminate sweets, be reasonable with other foods including eating healthy whenever possible, and to follow a running plan with set running goals. In 2012, I want to break 25:00 in the 5K distance, and 2:00 in the 1/2 marathon distance, and I'd like to drop about 20-25 pounds along the way. He doesn't know it, but Georgia Snail has been a pretty big influence. He dropped a bunch of weight, is running a rigorous running plan, and is a MUCH better runner than he was a year ago.
These kids told the bicycle pacers, "you're almost there!"
What an inspiring blast it was yesterday to see the AZ RnR marathoners go by right in our neighborhood. We live right near mile 10 on the marathon course, and met up with friends and neighbors to watch the racers. It was amazing to see the variety of athletes and to yell words of encouragement. We saw the wheelchair racers, the elite men and women, Adam, EMZ, Demi, and a few other friends. Great job to all who raced yesterday.

Trisha Miller, eventual winner in women's division
"It's aboooouuut this big"
Front Running Men


Anonymous said...

Great picture of Adam's horrible heel strike!

And congrats on making it so far into January without sweets. Two more weeks - you can do it!

Nitmos said...

No sweets? I'm not sure I could function. It's like crack to me. No, I take that back. The crystal meth is like crack to me. The candy is like the crystal meth. See? The circle of life.